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Mais informações sobre Mectedu.co.in
Mount Everest College of Teacher Education
Mount Everest College of Teacher Education (MECTE) is a UGC Acts Section 2(f) and 12(B) compliant institution. It is established as a full fledged B.Ed. Degree course on date. Mount Everest College of Teacher Education (MECTE) is the only one in Senapati District so far approved among the list of Private College concerned. It is hope that with a view to encourage and promote research activities, innovation, material development and faculty improvement programmme. MECTE has other plans for future courese of action and implementation.
Mount Everest College of Teacher Education Senapati Manipur, Mount Everest College of Teacher Education, MECTEDU, Teacher Training College Senapati, Mount Everest B.Ed., B.Ed. College Senapati

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