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More info about Steshaw.co.uk
Queenstown | Stephen Shaw | Blackpool
Queenstown became a personal poem completed over 3 years. It is about the last seven people housed in what was soon to be a demolished Queenstown high rise flats in Blackpool. This area had the highest male suicide rate in the country. The flats are now gone and replaced with new housing and it feels important to have an accurate testimony to how the community lived in this notorious area for the benefit of future generations. www.steshaw.co.uk shawshots
Blackpool, Queenstown Highrise Flats, Queenstown Flats, Documentary, street, photography
steshaw.co.uk mxrecords
steshaw.co.uk has the following TXT records:
The IP address of steshaw.co.uk domain is :
The Reverse IP address of steshaw.co.uk domain is : unalocated.63.wixsite.com
The Geo Location of steshaw.co.uk domain is :
City: Ashburn
Country: United States
Continent Name: North America
Registered Country: Israel
longitude: -77.539
latitude: 39.018
ASN: 58182
ISP: Wix.com Ltd.